This is the NSFW red card to Valkyrie's characters. Prices are across the board, with each character having their own list of different kinks.
These are the rules to guidelines and boundaries. Before inquiring about any services, please read and abide by them.Any breaking of these will be an immediate blacklist.
- All sessions are ic (In character) While negotiations will happen ooc, (Out of character) and with the use of brackets [ ] to indicate as such. Any bleeding between ic and ooc, will be a black-list, after the first warning.
I ask that you please understand, that this is not irl dating service. There will be no irl relationship, crossing this will be an automatic black-list.
-Age verification is a must. Both for your safety and mine. I will ask that you are 21+ to engage in any NSFW services, to please verify your age with me. This can be done with a photo id, with everything else blacked out, but your birthday. This can be done, by sending a private message to my discord. With a paper saying "Desires Unleashed". Which then it will be promptly deleted afterwards, when age is verified. I also will not be taking any Lala's as clients for nsfw. Nor the girlfriend/boyfriend package. This is non-negotiable
(My discord to send this too: valkyriewolf9869 )
-Consent is key, consent is King and Queen. Know that consent is highly key in every session with my lovely muses. As such the use of safe words, to the use of the "traffic lights/colour" system is a must. That I will check ic or ooc with you, to make sure things are okay.
-Use of safewords and colour system (Traffic light system). This is none-negotiable. Safewords to the colour system will be used. Ic my muses that are more dominate, will ask for a colour at times, during a session.
While my more submissive's may call these, and they are to be respected and abided by. If any safeword or colour called by my characters that is yellow or red ignored? Then it is a immediate stop to the session. And black-listed. Since I will gladly stop and go straight into aftercare, if yours calls it or yourself.
Green: Everything is okay! Keep going~
Yellow: Please give me a moment, slow down.
Red: Stop. (This will lead to all activity stopping, and right into aftercare.)
-Prices are none-negotiable, nor refundable. Characters can be booked in advance with a deposit, for specific times and dates. But if late by 15mins or more, without communication. Will be canceled, I ask that you please respect my time and your time as well.
-Harassment to stalking, and interruption of my daily life. Will be an automatic black-list and reported. Don't be that person.
-If at any point yourself or myself become uncomfortable, during the session? The session can be ended immediately, without questions asked. (If need of aftercare on your part? Then it will be gladly given)
-Please respect boundaries and limits given and for yourself. Any and all boundaries to limits will be taken seriously, during negotiations. Please do not be shy, to tell me, what are your hard limits to no's etc. I will do the same. Especially for bdsm/kink scenes.
Remember~ Rp is meant to be fun, and we are here to create beautiful moments of story telling!
So let's have a safe, sane and consensual good time~
Prices for Services:
-SFW rp package description;
Spending time with my male or female muses, having lunch, dinner or breakfast with them. Attending a social event as a companion, to offer conversation and sole attention on your character. Offering cuddling and whatever else may be considered under the SFW umbrella.
-SFW to Companionship/Arm candy: $400K per hr.
-$1mil for 4hrs.
(Flirting is fine, but if escalated to heavy petting and touches, then another $400k will be asked to bump it up to nsfw)
-NSFW rp package description;
Heavy petting to teasing, and dirty talk. Sexual activities, and even bdsm to kink sessions. (Any bdsm to kink sessions, are highly discussed before hand. It may not lead into a session right away. Which pay will not be taken, until a proper session is finalized.)
-Nsfw is $800k per hr.
-$3mil for 4 hrs.
-Buy out is $10mil, with the session length going until done, with no time limit.
-Additional people added for sfw: $100k.
-Additional people added for nsfw: $200k.
-Boyfriend/girlfriend experience: $2mil
Kink lists and Characters:
If you do not see a kink listed? And would like more information, please feel free to ask- These are just basic kink lists to get a general idea.
Soren Ahonen:
Age: 200+
Sexuality: Pansexual
BDSM Status: Primal dom, Pleasure dom, teacher and brat wrangler/tamer. Master, trainer, rigger/shibari master

Kitashi Sasaki
Age: Mid 50's
Sexuality: Omnisexual
BDSM Status: Service submissive, teacher, service top (There is a difference to these. He may be penetrating as a service top, but does not mean he is dominate) rope bunny, pet
(Note. Kitashi is intersexed with also having female genitalia as well. Customers are not obligated to interact with that part of him. Any meta gaming of trying to make him pregnant. Will be one warning and a blacklist if pushed.)

Brynhildr Freyadottir
Age: Seems to be in her mid 40's (that is for you to figure out)
Sexuality: Pansexual
BDSM Status: Primal dom, pleasure dom, educator, Mistress, trainer, brat tamer
(Note. Bryn is completely baren, any talks of wanting to get her pregnant, and is a touchy subject for her. It will result in her throwing the person out. And no longer being able to purchase services from her. Or at least having a month ban until they have learned, their manners.)
Havardr Jorgensen
Age: 33yrs
Sexuality: Bisexual
BDSM Status: Switch, primal, sadist/masochist

Vilho Ahonen
Age: 135+
Sexuality: Pansexual
BDSM Status: Primal dom, pleasure dom, pet trainer, educator, brat tamer, master
{Note, that Vilho comes packaged deal with his husband/wife. Due to a broken soul bond, now repaired. He is usually physically adverse to sexual touch. And only can take on client's when his husband is present/part of scenes to join or watch)

Alejandro Baro
Age: 49 years
Sexuality: Pansexual
BDSM Status: Pleasure dom, master, owner, trainer, brat tamer, rigger/shibari master

Désirée Badeau
Age: 38yrs
Sexuality: Omnisexual
BDSM Status: Mistress, domme, brat tamer, owner, primal dom, pet trainer, sadist

Inga Brynhilderdottir
Age: 24yrs
Sexuality: Pansexual
BDSM Status: Primal dom, mistress, owner, pet trainer, educator, gentle dom(Inga does have two form's their female and male form. Due to her inherited blood from her mother, that allows her to shift. Male form is rarely used, but? Can be requested, unless she is already in it. )

Lesaonar Illykur
Age: 180yrs
Sexuality: Omnisexual, very heavy male lean (This is due to trauma with woman he has- It may take him a while to actually get to know them first. But would prefer men.)
BDSM Status: Switch, sadist/masochist, rigger/shibari master, brat, brat tamer, owner, pet trainer and pet in turn,
(Note: This character is my lovely Drow, who is played as one, who had found his way to this world- If you do not wish to play with him? That is fine. Other lovely muses await.)

Rui Miyamoto
Age: 53yrs
Sexuality: Pansexual, heavy male lean
BDSM Status: Master, owner, pleasure dom, educator, brat tamer, shibari master/rigger, sadist(Note: Rui is a Crime boss and head of his family. Bratting is fine, but blatant disrespect he will not tolerate. )